How the hard drive data is recovered by the experts

The digital age has created a false sense of security. The data on the computers, tablets and hard drives may seem immortal. It is believed so because unlike paper, it is not exposed to wear and tear or dust or go yellow with pages. But all these facts are believed to be true until one day when your hard disk crashes and everything disappears in one moment. Hard drive failure…

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Best practices for data protection and recovery

Protecting data is of critical importance for companies, but this task is increasingly challenging due to the complexity of where the information is stored and the large amount of data produced every day. The data recovery can require a considerable amount of time and resources. The data loss haapen mainly due to the failure of the hard drive. Listed here are a few tips for the companies in order to…

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Cloud backup for small businesses

Data has become an important asset for businesses of all sizes and types. The hard drive is the primary storage device of any system, but it does not have a long shelf life. The hard drive irrespective of the brand, size or type is prone to data loss. Data loss can be a catastrophic event for any business. The good news is that there are effective data protection methods that…

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